SML Reader Pinup | Lauren McCarthy

SML Reader Pinup | Lauren McCarthy

SML Reader Pinup | Lauren McCarthy

Not all e-mails are created equal, and the one sent to us by SoCal native Lauren McCarthy got our Friday off to a great start! Lauren is a model from southern California and has worked as a Lucas Oil girl at MX Motocross Nationals across the country. She says, “I don't know if you'd consider doing pin-up galleries or Moto Model Monday on, but I recently did a photo shoot with a 2019 Yamaha YZ250F and would love to send it to you guys. I can't tell you how much it would mean to me to be featured on your site.”

If you’d like to see more of Laura, follow her on Instagram @laurenmcccarthy and of course, check out the other work of photographer, Natasha Hayes at @myinfiniteadventure

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